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Corona News: Tourism will start again soon

8 May 2020: The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann has presented the timetable for the exit from the corona restrictions. This contains the following information regarding tourism:

From 18 May, indoor and outdoor restaurants, holiday apartments (including holidays on the farm) and campsites will initially be open to tourists. In addition, "open-air excursion destinations with low-contact offers", mini golf or boat rental are mentioned here as examples. We recommend that you inquire with the respective provider beforehand before heading for a destination.

From 29 May, other accommodation establishments, e.g. Hotels, inns and guesthouses, as well as amusement parks start operating again Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to open wellness and sauna areas and swimming pools until further notice.

All offers are subject to various requirements for compliance with hygiene, the details are also most reliably available in this case directly from the respective provider.

So it looks like the friends of the Black Forest will be able to go on holiday here again in 2020, albeit with various restrictions. And it can be assumed that one is just as safe in the extensive landscape, and of course in the accommodation facilities, as at home.

We are looking forward to your visit!


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